Nice to Meet You.


You’ve been in a liminal space before. (Probably, you’re in one now.) It’s when you’ve learned something that changed your worldview and now you’re in the in-between space of practice. You recognize that the old strategies and conditioning don’t work anymore, but you haven’t had enough experience with the new mindset and practices to be confident and consistent. That’s when you need low-risk spaces to practice and support for when the stakes are high.

  • Organizations, like people, go through liminal spaces as they intentionally transform culture. Most organizations wait until there is an event (read: crisis) before decision-makers accept that their culture is unhealthy, unproductive, or even harmful. They then play catchup, which often means painful processes designed to sweep the unpleasantness under the rug and return to the status quo…guaranteed to restart the crisis clock or usher talent out the door. There’s no liminal space in those cases because folks haven’t realized the thinking traps that created the problem. In contrast, intentional culture change takes effort and time to envision, foster, and support people and practices in the workplace.

  • We help you assess current culture and map the options for a more equitable one by balancing rigor and relevance. We are your partner in organizational change with staying power. That’s because we don’t pretend that we can hand you a generic plan to implement. Every firm has a unique history and structure that matters to your path forward to a strategy that better serves your mission, team, and customers. We collaborate with you to assess, strategize, and implement changes that play to your strengths and point you to the right people to help make changes stick. Your return on the investment is going to be less turnover, less burnout, better engagement, and more innovation for your clients, customers, and constituents.

  • We will name the unspoken things that get in the way (…that inclusion index isn’t the whole story). Inclusion is important, but it’s not taking power into account. We specialize in power dynamics at work because they are often the unseen, unspoken, and very much real ways in which decisions get made. They are the assumptions, implicit biases, and the isms (like racism, sexism, homophobia, classism…) that consciously and unconsciously inform how work currently gets done. Those decisions ultimately shape culture and help or harm your impact.

That means we’re not for everyone, and we’re okay with that. Our sweet spot is working with growth-oriented people and teams who are willing to name and process issues with candor so they can have clarity and lead accordingly.

Need more detail? Read more about how liminal spaces and power dynamics show up in workplace culture. Check out an overview of what to expect from the experience. Read some FAQs if you want even more info. Set up a free call to chat and see if we’re a fit.

Kara D. Ryan, MPP

Founder & CEO

The only way out is through. I love a good matrix and Gantt chart, but I know from experience that you can’t project manage your way out of a liminal space. It requires attention, practice, and risk.

I have two decades of experience working in public policy, advocacy and leadership, and organizational development. In that time, I’ve worked with close to 30 organizations and trained more than 4,000 people in equity frameworks for application in their personal and professional lives, not to mention my own experience as an executive leader and fallible human. (My full bio is here.) A recovering perfectionist, I know that rushing through a liminal space is fruitless and ineffective. Better to plan for an evolving journey.

I believe being a professional does not require a narrow definition of identity, countenance, manner or tone, but always includes an option to show up at work as we want to be seen and valued in the world. Relationships and integrity matter more than conformity. There are multiple ways to build a thriving organizational culture. We’ll collaborate with your team to help you flourish based on your specific history, needs, and vision - and use a Results-Based Accountability (RBA) methodology to monitor impact on core performance measures, tailored to your needs.

Badge: Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Member, International Coaching Federation